Group Members

  • Prospective PhD students

    must first be admitted into the Ph.D. program

    at The Institute of Optics (or other departments at UofR) and complete two semesters of coursework before applying to join the research group (see here for further instruction).
  • Undergraduate Students (currently enrolled at the University of Rochester) looking for a reserch project / senior thesis can contact me directly via email. Please include your CV and any other relavent information.
  • Currently we do not have openings for Postdocs.

Principal Investigator

Michele Cotrufo

Assistant Professor

Michele joined the Institute of Optics in 2023 as an assistant professor. He received a BS degree in physics from University of Bari, Italy (2010) and a MS degree in physics from University of Padova, Italy (2012). He then joined the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) as a PhD student, where he investigated novel light-matter interactions in nanophotonics and hybrid optomechanical systems. After graduating in 2017, he performed postdoctoral research at the University of Texas at Austin and at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (New York City).

PhD Students

Matthew Belzer

PhD Student

Matthew is a PhD student at the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester. He received a BS in Physics and Applied Mathematics & Statistics from Stony Brook University in 2023. He is primarily interested in quantum optics and metamaterials.

Felix Wong

PhD Student

Felix Wong is currently a PhD student in the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester. He graduated from the University at Buffalo with an Electrical Engineering degree in 2021. His research interests are in the enabling technologies for computation and communication.

Master Students

Zhengyang (Max) Zhang

Master Student

Undergraduate Researchers

Ping Sun

Undergraduate Researcher

Zhouzhi Xia

Undergraduate Researcher

Linrui (Stephen) Tan

Undergraduate Researcher


Nicholas Gaitanis, Undergraduate Researcher '23-'24 Princeton University (Grad School)

Mingzhe Han, Undergraduate Researcher '23-'24

Xukun Lin, Undergraduate Researcher '23-'24 Caltech (Grad School)