
See also our Google Scholar profile.

Under Review

  1. Nonlinear Analog Processing with Anisotropic Nonlinear Films
    M. Cotrufo*, D. de Ceglia*, H. Jung, I. Brener, D. Neshev, C. De Angelis, A. Alù.

  2. 3R-stacked transition metal dichalcogenide nonlocal metasurface for efficient second-harmonic generation
    Z. H. Peng*, M. Cotrufo*, D. Xu, S. A. Mann, Q. Siyuan, D. Basov, M. Delor, A. Alù, P. J. Schuck, C. Trovatello.


  1. Temporal Signal Processing with Nonlocal Optical Metasurfaces
    M. Cotrufo*, S. Esfahani*, D. Korobkin*, A. Alù.
    npj Nanophotonics 1 (39), (2024).

  2. Tunable Optical Nonlinearities in Layered Materials
    C. Trovatello, A. Marini, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù, P. J. Schuck, G. Cerullo.
    ACS Photonics 11 (8), 2860-2873, (2024).

  3. Tailoring Space-Time Nonlocality for Event-Based Image Processing Metasurfaces
    S. Esfahani*, M. Cotrufo*, A. Alù.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 063801, (2024).

  4. Local control of polarization and geometric phase in thermal metasurfaces
    J. R. Nolen*, A. C. Overvig*, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    Nature Nanotechnology, 1–8, (2024).

  5. Intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces for high-contrast ultra-fast power limiting and optical switching
    M. Cotrufo*, J. Krakofsky*, S. A. Mann*, G. Böhm, M. Belkin, A. Alù.
    npj Nanophotonics 1 (14), (2024).

  6. Reconfigurable image processing metasurfaces with phase-change materials
    M. Cotrufo*, S. B. Sulejman*, L. Wesemann*, M. A. Rahman, M. Bhaskaran, A. Roberts, A. Alù.
    Nature Communications 15 (1), 4483, (2024).

  7. Broadband angular spectrum differentiation using dielectric metasurfaces
    M. Deng*, M. Cotrufo*, J. Wang, J. Dong, Z. Ruan, A. Alù, L. Chen.
    Nature Communications 15 (1), 2237, (2024).

  8. Roadmap on electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces
    T. J. Cui, S. Zhang, A. Alu, M. Wegener, J. Pendry, J. Luo, Y. Lai, Z. Wang, X. Lin, H. Chen, others.
    Journal of Physics: Photonics, (2024).

  9. Passive bias-free non-reciprocal metasurfaces based on thermally nonlinear quasi-bound states in the continuum
    M. Cotrufo, A. Cordaro, D. L. Sounas, A. Polman, A. Alù.
    Nature Photonics 18 (1), 81–90, (2024).

  10. Coherent control of chaotic optical microcavity with reflectionless scattering modes
    X. Jiang, S. Yin, H. Li, J. Quan, H. Goh, M. Cotrufo, J. Kullig, J. Wiersig, A. Alù.
    Nature Physics 20 (1), 109–115, (2024).


  1. Dispersion engineered metasurfaces for broadband, high-NA, high-efficiency, dual-polarization analog image processing
    M. Cotrufo*, A. Arora*, S. Singh, A. Alù.
    Nature Communications 14 (1), 7078, (2023).

  2. Polarization imaging and edge detection with image-processing metasurfaces
    M. Cotrufo*, S. Singh*, A. Arora, A. Majewski, A. Alù.
    Optica 10 (10), 1331–1338, (2023).

  3. Exceptional points and non-Hermitian photonics at the nanoscale
    A. Li, H. Wei, M. Cotrufo, W. Chen, S. Mann, X. Ni, B. Xu, J. Chen, J. Wang, S. Fan, others.
    Nature Nanotechnology 18 (7), 706–720, (2023).

  4. Controllable Transmission Switch Based on Asymmetric Coupled Nonlinear Resonances
    H. Moussa, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    Physical Review Applied 19 (6), 064002, (2023).

  5. Zone-Folded Quasi-bound State Metasurfaces with Customized, Symmetry-Protected Energy-Momentum Relations
    A. C. Overvig, M. Cotrufo, M. Markowitz, Y. Zhou, B. Hao, K. Stensvad, C. Schardt, A. Alù.
    ACS Photonics 10 (6), 1832-1840, (2023).

  6. Nonreciprocal total cross section of quantum metasurfaces
    N. Nefedkin, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    Nanophotonics 12 (3), 589–606, (2023).


  1. Spin-Orbit-Locked Hyperbolic Polariton Vortices Carrying Reconfigurable Topological Charge
    M. Wang, G. Hu, S. Chand, M. Cotrufo, Y. Abate, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, G. Grosso, C. Qiu, A. Alù.
    eLight 2 (1), 1–11, (2022).

  2. Tailored Resonant Waveguide Gratings for Augmented Reality
    M. Markowitz, M. Cotrufo, Y. Zhou, K. Stensvad, C. Schardt, A. C. Overvig, A. Alù.
    Optics Express 30, (2022).

  3. Dark-State Induced Quantum Nonreciprocity
    N. Nefedkin, M. Cotrufo, A. Krasnok, A. Alù.
    Advanced Quantum Technologies 5 (3), 2100112, (2022).


  1. Nonreciprocal Pulse Shaping and Chaotic Modulation with Asymmetric Noninstantaneous Nonlinear Resonators
    A. Hofstrand, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    Physical Review A 104 (5), (2021).

  2. Unitary Excitation Transfer between Coupled Cavities Using Temporal Switching
    Y. Mazor, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    Physical Review Letters 127 (1), 013902, (2021).

  3. Ultrafast Optical Switching and Power Limiting in Intersubband Polaritonic Metasurfaces
    S. A. Mann, N. Nookala, S. C. Johnson, M. Cotrufo, A. Mekawy, J. F. Klem, I. Brener, M. B. Raschke, A. Alù, M. A. Belkin.
    Optica 8 (5), 606–613, (2021).

  4. Nonlinearity-Induced Nonreciprocity - Part I
    M. Cotrufo, S. A. Mann, H. Moussa, A. Alù.
    IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 69 (8), 3569-3583, (2021).

  5. Nonlinearity-Induced Nonreciprocity - Part II
    M. Cotrufo, S. A. Mann, H. Moussa, A. Alù.
    IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 69 (8), 3584-3597, (2021).


  1. Self-Assembled Periodic Nanostructures Using Martensitic Phase Transformations
    A. Prakash, T. Wang, A. Bucsek, T. K. Truttmann, A. Fali, M. Cotrufo, H. Yun, J. Kim, P. J. Ryan, K. A. Mkhoyan, others.
    Nano Letters, (2020).

  2. Nonreciprocal Devices in Silicon Photonics
    K. Y. Yang, J. Skarda, A. Dutt, G. H. Ahn, M. Sawaby, D. Vercruysse, A. Arbabian, S. Fan, J. Vučković, M. Cotrufo, others.
    Optics and Photonics News 31 (12), 38–38, (2020).

  3. Inverse-designed non-reciprocal pulse router for chip-based LiDAR
    K. Y. Yang*, J. Skarda*, M. Cotrufo*, A. Dutt, G. H. Ahn, M. Sawaby, D. Vercruysse, A. Arbabian, S. Fan, A. Alù, others.
    Nature Photonics 14 (6), 369–374, (2020).

Before 2020

  1. Excitation of Single-Photon Embedded Eigenstates in Coupled Cavity–Atom Systems
    M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    Optica 6 (6), 799–804, (2019).

  2. Enhancing Functionalities of Atomically Thin Semiconductors with Plasmonic Nanostructures
    M. Cotrufo, L. Sun, J. Choi, A. Alù, X. Li.
    Nanophotonics 8 (4), 577–598, (2019).

  3. Anomalous Optical Forces in PT-Symmetric Waveguides
    M. Miri, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    Optics Letters 44 (14), 3558–3561, (2019).

  4. Optical Gradient Forces between Evanescently Coupled Eaveguides
    M. Miri, M. Cotrufo, A. Alu.
    Optics Letters 43 (17), 4104–4107, (2018).

  5. Nanomechanical Control of Optical Field and Quality Factor in Photonic Crystal Structures
    M. Cotrufo, L. Midolo, Ž. Zobenica, M. Petruzzella, F. W. Otten, A. Fiore.
    Physical Review B 97 (11), 115304, (2018).

  6. Anti-Stiction Coating for Mechanically Tunable Photonic Crystal Devices
    M. Petruzzella, Ž. Zobenica, M. Cotrufo, V. Zardetto, A. Mameli, F. Pagliano, S. Koelling, F. Otten, F. Roozeboom, W. Kessels, others.
    Optics Express 26 (4), 3882–3891, (2018).

  7. Integrated Nano-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Sensor for Spectrometry and Nanometrology
    Ž. Zobenica, R. W. Heijden, M. Petruzzella, F. Pagliano, R. Leijssen, T. Xia, L. Midolo, M. Cotrufo, Y. Cho, F. W. Van Otten, others.
    Nature Communications 8 (1), 1–8, (2017).

  8. Electrically Driven Quantum Light Emission in Electromechanically Tuneable Photonic Crystal Cavities
    M. Petruzzella, F. Pagliano, Ž. Zobenica, S. Birindelli, M. Cotrufo, F. Van Otten, R. Van Der Heijden, A. Fiore.
    Applied Physics Letters 111 (25), 251101, (2017).

  9. Coherent Atom-Phonon Interaction through Mode Field Coupling in Hybrid Optomechanical Systems
    M. Cotrufo, A. Fiore, E. Verhagen.
    Physical Review Letters 118 (13), 133603, (2017).

  10. Spin-Dependent Emission from Arrays of Planar Chiral Nanoantennas Due to Lattice and Localized Plasmon Resonances
    M. Cotrufo, C. I. Osorio, A. F. Koenderink.
    ACS Nano 10 (3), 3389–3397, (2016).

  11. Spontaneous Emission from Dipole-Forbidden Transitions in Semiconductor Quantum Dots
    M. Cotrufo, A. Fiore.
    Physical Review B 92 (12), 125302, (2015).

  12. In-Assisted Deoxidation of GaAs Substrates for the Growth of Single InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Emitters
    T. Xia, Y. Cho, M. Cotrufo, I. Agafonov, F. Van Otten, A. Fiore.
    Semiconductor Science and Technology 30 (5), 055009, (2015).

  1. Space-Time Nonlocal Metasurfaces for Event-Based Image Processing
    S. Esfahani*, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    2024 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM), 404-405, 2024, Student Paper Competition Winner, 3rd place.

  2. Computational Metasurfaces for Spatio-Temporal, Reconfigurable and Nonlinear Analog Signal Processing
    M. Cotrufo.
    Analog computing with metamaterials, Metamaterials 2024, 2024, invited talk.

  3. Analog Optical Image Processing and Computing with Metastructures
    M. Cotrufo*, A. Alù.
    EL06 Adaptive Nanophotonics—Tunable, Reprogrammable and Integrated, MRS Spring Meeting, 2023, invited talk.

  4. Optical metasurfaces for advanced linear and nonlinear functionalities
    M. Cotrufo*.
    Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XVI , SPIE, 2023, invited talk.

  5. Nonlinear metasurfaces for exotic control of light
    M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures XIII, PC1243101, SPIE, 2023, invited talk.

  6. Mid-Infrared Power Limiters and Saturable-Absorber Mirrors Based on χ^(3) GaAsSb/InGaAs Intersubband Polaritonic Metasurfaces
    J. H. Krakofsky*, M. Cotrufo, S. Mann, G. Böhm, A. Alù, M. A. Belkin.
    2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) , 1–1, IEEE, 2023.

  7. Metasurfaces for Broadband Analog Image Processing
    A. Arora*, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI), 571–572, IEEE, 2023, Selected for a Honorable Mention in the Student Paper Competition.

  8. Nonlinearity-Induced Nonreciprocity in Passive Silicon Gratings Supporting Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum
    M. Cotrufo*, A. Cordaro, A. Polman, A. Alù.
    CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FF4N–6, Optica Publishing Group, 2022.

  9. Exciton dynamics in plasmonic cavities coupled to monolayer WSe2
    J. Quan, M. Cotrufo, S. Chand, Z. Liu, D. Huang, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, G. Grosso, X. E. Li, A. Alu.
    APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, M55–004, 2022.

  10. All optical switching in a silicon nonlinear Fano resonator
    K. Van Gasse*, M. Cotrufo, K. Yang, A. Alù, J. Vuckovic.
    CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM4O–2, Optica Publishing Group, 2022.

  11. Nanostructured metasurfaces for optical wavefront manipulation
    M. Cotrufo, S. Guo, A. Overvig*, A. Alù.
    Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XIV 11696, 1169609, SPIE, 2021, invited talk.

  12. Inverse-designed silicon photonic circuit for nonreciprocal transmission
    K. Y. Yang*, J. Skarda, M. Cotrufo, G. H. Ahn, A. Alù, J. VuȈcković.
    Frontiers in Optics, FTh3C–1, Optical Society of America, 2019.

  13. Inverse designed Fano resonance in Silicon microresonators
    K. Y. Yang*, J. Skarda, M. Cotrufo, G. H. Ahn, A. Alú, J. Vučković.
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1–2, IEEE, 2019.

  14. Controlling Optical Forces between Evanescently Coupled PT-Symmetric Waveguides
    M. Miri*, M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.
    CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FTu4B–6, Optical Society of America, 2019.

  15. Tailoring radiative emission in integrated quantum light sources
    A. Fiore*, D. Pellegrino, M. Cotrufo, E. Verhagen, R. Johne, M. Petruzzella, F. Pagliano, F. Otten.
    CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, JTh3C–4, Optical Society of America, 2018.

  16. Tuneable quantum light from a photonic crystal LED
    M. Petruzzella*, F. Pagliano, Ž. Zobenica, S. Birindelli, M. Cotrufo, F. W. Otten, R. W. Heijden, A. Fiore.
    European Quantum Electronics Conference, EA_6_5, Optical Society of America, 2017.

  17. Single photons from electrically driven reconfigurable photonic crystal cavities (Conference Presentation)
    M. Petruzzella*, S. Birindelli, F. M. Pagliano, D. Pellegrino, Z. Zobenica, M. Cotrufo, F. W. Otten, R. W. Heijden, L. H. Li, E. Linfield, others.
    Quantum Photonic Devices 10358, 103580Q, SPIE, 2017.

  18. Integrated spectrometer and displacement sensor based on mechanically tunable photonic crystals
    Z. Zobenica*, R. Van Der Heijden, M. Petruzzella, F. Pagliano, T. Xia, L. Midolo, M. Cotrufo, Y. Cho, F. Van Otten, A. Fiore.
    2017 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), 1–2, IEEE, 2017.

  19. Control of the electromagnetic field in a cavity by an external perturbation
    M. Cotrufo*, E. Verhagen, A. Fiore.
    Proc. of SPIE 10111, 1011128–1, 2017.

  20. Optically-controlled coherent atom-phonon interaction in optomechanical systems
    M. Cotrufo*, A. Fiore, E. Verhagen.
    40th Annual Meeting NNV AMO, Lunteren, The Netherlands, 2016.

  21. Fully integrated nano-opto-electro-mechanical wavelength and displacement sensor
    Ž. Zobenica*, R. Heijden, M. Petruzzella, F. Pagliano, R. Leijssen, T. Xia, L. Midolo, M. Cotrufo, Y. Cho, F. Otten, others.
    Optical Sensors, SeW2E–4, Optical Society of America, 2016.

  22. Engineering Raman transitions in an optomechanical system strongly coupled with a two-level emitter
    M. Cotrufo*, A. Fiore, E. Verhagen.
    CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FM1C–3, Optical Society of America, 2016.

  23. Active control of the vacuum field in nanomechanical photonic crystal structures
    M. Cotrufo*, L. Midolo, Ž. Zobenica, M. Petruzzella, F. W. Otten, A. Fiore.
    Frontier in Optics, Rochester, 2016.

  24. Active control of the vacuum field in nanomechanical photonic crystal structures
    M. Cotrufo*, L. Midolo, Ž. Zobenica, M. Petruzzella, F. W. Otten, A. Fiore.
    META ‘16, Malaga, Spain, 2016.

  25. K-space polarimetry measurements of the spin-dependent emission from arrays of chiral plasmonic nanoantennas
    M. Cotrufo*, C. Osorio, A. Koenderink.
    39th Annual Meeting NNV AMO, Lunteren, The Netherlands, 2015.

  26. Fully integrated nano-opto-electro-mechanical wavelength and displacement sensor
    R. Heijden*, M. Petruzzella, F. Pagliano, R. Leijssen, T. Xia, L. Midolo, M. Cotrufo, Y. Cho, F. Otten, E. Verhagen, others.
    Optical Sensors, Sensors 2016, OSA-The Optical Society, 2014.

  1. "Two-dimensional hybrid plasmonic materials" in Plasmonic Materials and Metastructures, Elsevier, 2024.
    J. Quan, M. Cotrufo, X. Li, A. Alù.

  2. "Metamaterials for analog all-optical computation" in Progress in Optics, Elsevier, 2024.
    M. Cotrufo, A. Alù.

  1. Passive Optical Metasurface Performing Analog Spatio-Temporal Differentiation For Event-Based Image Processing, Patent pending, 63/516,752, 2024.
    A. Alu, M. Cotrufo, S. Esfahani.

  2. Optical Devices with Zone Folded Metasurfaces, US Patent App. 18/078,301, 2023.
    K. K. Stensvad, X. Guo, C. R. Schardt, B. Hao, A. Alu, M. Cotrufo, A. Overvig.

  3. Multiband resonant gratings, US Patent App. 18/063,756, 2023.
    K. K. Stensvad, X. Guo, C. R. Schardt, B. Hao, A. Alu, M. Cotrufo, M. M. Markowitz.